National Benchmarking Portal: New data for 2021-22 now available.


ABF Data Request Specifications 2016-17

Activity based funding data request specifications for the six monthly submission of 2016-17 financial year have been agreed as follows:

Admitted (includes general items for Acute, Mental Health and Sub-acute including Palliative Care)

Below are the ABF data request specifications for acute hospitalisations in an Excel workbook. The Excel workbook contains five sheets "APC data specs" sheet contains the overall specifications, the "ESWT Cluster Array Format" sheet shows how to form the elective surgery procedure array, the “ESWT Cluster Array Example” sheet presents an example of the elective surgery procedure array, the "Diagnosis array format" sheet provides extra detail and an example of how the diagnosis array is to be populated and the "File Naming Convention" sheet specifies how to name the data submission.

Admitted for specific additional Sub-acute items

Below are the ABF data request specifications for sub-acute hospitalisations in an Excel workbook. The Excel workbook contains six sheets "Subacute & nonacute" sheet contains the specifications for the additional sub-acute items requested to be collected at an episode level, the "Palliative" sheet provides details of the items to be collected for each palliative care phase, the "Eg ABF Admitted SAC DRS" & "Eg ABF Palliative Care DRS" sheets contain examples of the data to be supplied for sub-acute and palliative care cases, the "AROC Impairment Codes 2012" sheet provided the list of valid AROC Impairment Codes and the "File Naming Convention" sheet specifies how to name the data submission.

Emergency care

Below are the ABF data request specifications for Emergency care hospitalisations in an Excel workbook. The Excel workbook contains four sheets. "Emergency Services Care DRS" sheet contains the specifications for the aggregated data collection, the "Emergency Department Care DRS" sheet contains the specifications for the patient level collection, the "Example Emergency Service Care" sheet contains examples of the data to be supplied for aggregated Emergency Service hospital care presentations and the "File Naming Convention" sheet specifies how to name the data submission.


Below are the ABF data request specifications for non-admitted hospital care in an Excel workbook. The Excel workbook contains five sheets. The "ABF NAP Patient level DRS" sheet contains the specifications for the patient level collection, the "ABF NAP Aggregate DRS" sheet contains the specifications for the aggregated data collection, the "Tier 2 Version 4.1" sheet provided the list of valid Tier 2 – Version 4.1 clinics valid at 08/03/2016, the "Example ABF NAP Aggregate" sheet contains examples of the data to be supplied for aggregated non-admitted hospital care cases and the "File Naming Convention" sheet specifies how to name the data submission.

Teaching Training & Research

Below are the ABF data request specifications for teaching training & research in an Excel workbook. The Excel workbook contains six sheets. The "Teaching and Training 1617" sheet contains the overall specifications for the teaching and training data collection, the “Research 1617” sheet contains the specifications for the research data collections, the "Instruction data population" provides some guidance for populating the Profession or Specialty Types, the "Example ABF TT" and "Example ABF RS" sheet contains examples of the data to be supplied for teaching and training and research activities and the "File Naming Convention" sheet specifies how to name the data submission.

Mental Health Care

Below are the ABF data request specifications for mental health care in an Excel workbook. The Excel workbook contains seven sheets. The "MHCE" sheet contains the overall specifications for the mental health care episode level data, the “MHCP” sheets contains the overall specifications for the associated MJHC phase level data, the “ASC” sheet contains the overall specifications for the associated MHC ambulatory service contact data, the “Example MHCE”“Example MHCP” and “Example ASC” sheets provide examples of the MHC episode level data, phase level data, and ambulatory service contact data and the "File Naming Convention" sheet specifies how to name the data submission.

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