Teaching, training and research
The Independent Health and Aged Care Pricing Authority (IHACPA) developed the Australian Teaching and Training Classification (ATTC) as a national classification for teaching and training activities which occur in public hospital services. The ATTC aims to provide a nationally consistent approach to how teaching and training activities are classified, counted, and costed.
Development of the ATTC involved defining teaching and training for the purposes of Activity Based Funding, identifying specific cost drivers, conducting a costing study, and undertaking data modelling to develop the classification.
The ATTC Version 1.0 has been developed as a health professional trainee oriented classification. The key concepts in the ATTC Version 1.0 include profession and training stage.
The ATTC version 1.0 was released on 1 July 2018. IHACPA has developed a range of material to support the implementation, found under the key publications section.
During the development of the ATTC Version 1.0, findings indicated a low degree of confidence that the results relating to research capability were adequately representative to define a research classification system. Therefore, there is currently no national classification for research activities.
The structure of the ATTC v1.0 is outlined in Figure 1.
Figure 1: ATTC v1.0 structure

There are 20 end-classes in ATTC v1.0. The key concepts include:
- Profession: allied health, dentistry, medicine, midwifery, nursing.
- Training stage: student/pre-entry trainee, new graduate, post-graduate/vocational student, unknown stage of training.
Teaching and training describes: the activities provided by or on behalf of a public health service to facilitate the acquisition of knowledge, or development of skills. These activities must be required for an individual to:
- attain the necessary qualifications or recognised professional body registration to practice;
- acquire sufficient clinical competence upon entering the workforce; or
- undertake specialist/advanced practice in medicine, dentistry, nursing, midwifery or allied health.
Research describes: the activities undertaken in a public health service where the primary objective is the advancement of knowledge that ultimately aims to improve consumer and patient health outcomes and/or health system performance. The activity must be undertaken in a structured and ethical way, be formally approved by a research governance or ethics body, and have potential for application outside of the health service in which the activity is undertaken.
For ABF purposes, the definition of research relates to:
the public health service's contribution to maintain research capability, excluding the costs of research activities that are funded from a source other than the state or territory or provided in kind.
Hospital Teaching, Training and Research Activities National Best Endeavours Data Set (Metadata Online Registry)
Document | Word | |
Technical Specifications for reporting | HTTRA NBEDS Technical Specifications for Reporting | HTTRA NBEDS Technical Specifications for Reporting |
Hospital Teaching, Training and Research Activities National Best Endeavours Data Set (Metadata Online Registry)
Document | Word | |
Technical Specifications for reporting | HTTRA NBEDS Technical Specifications for Reporting | HTTRA NBEDS Technical Specifications for Reporting |
Hospital Teaching, Training and Research Activities National Best Endeavours Data Set 2021–22 (Metadata Online Registry)
Document | Word | |
Technical Specifications for reporting | HTTRA NBEDS 2021–22 Technical Specifications for Reporting | HTTRA NBEDS 2021–22 Technical Specifications for Reporting |
Hospital Teaching, Training and Research Activities National Best Endeavours Data Set 2020–21 (Metadata Online Registry)
Document | Word | |
Technical Specifications for reporting | HTTRA NBEDS 2020-21 Technical Specifications for Reporting | HTTRA NBEDS 2020-21 Technical Specifications for Reporting |
Key publications
ATTC Classification
- ATTC Version 1.0 User Manual 2018
- ATTC Version 1.0 fact sheet
- Teaching, Training and Research Costing Study Final Project Report July 2016
ATTC v1.0 Grouper
The ATTC Version 1.0 Grouper package includes the ATTC Grouper execution file and the ATTC Grouper User Guide. The ATTC Version 1.0 is a health professional trainee-oriented classification, and the ATTC Version 1.0 Grouper will assign teaching and training activity data to the appropriate ATTC end class.