IHACPA's role in aged care pricing fact sheet
Fact sheetsThe Independent Health and Aged Care Pricing Authority (IHACPA) is an independent government agency that provides evidence-based pricing advice to the Australian Government on health and aged care services.
Have your say on residential aged care pricing – Fact sheet
Fact sheetsThe Independent Health and Aged Care Pricing Authority (IHACPA) invites everyone with an interest in aged care to provide feedback on IHACPA’s development of residential aged care pricing and costing advice.
AECC Version 1.1 Final Report
PublicationsThis final report provides the detailed statistical analysis undertaken in the development of the Australian Emergency Care Classification (AECC) Version 1.1, including the key changes to the classification and methodology of the refinement.
National Hospital Cost Data Collection (NHCDC) Public Sector 2023-24
PublicationsThe National Hospital Cost Data Collection (NHCDC) for the public sector, collected through the states and territories, is the primary data collection used to develop the national efficient price
Governance Framework for the Development of the Australian Mental Health Care Classification
PublicationsThe Independent Health and Aged Care Pricing Authority undertakes the development of classifications for mental health care.The Governance Framework for the Development of the Australian Mental Health Care Classifications outlines the classification development, approva...
Three Year Data Plan
PublicationsThe Three Year Data Plan is supported by the Data Compliance Policy, which describes the process and criteria by which IHACPA will publicly report on compliance by jurisdictions with the data requirements and data submission dates specified in the Three Year Data Plan.
Data Compliance Policy
PublicationsThe Data Compliance Policy describes the process and criteria by which the Independent Health and Aged Care Pricing Authority (IHACPA) will publicly report on compliance by jurisdictions with the data requirements and data submission dates specified in the current ...
National Pricing Model Consultation Policy
PublicationsThe National Pricing Model Consultation Policy outlines the guiding principles and consultative processes associated with the development of the national efficient price and national efficient cost determinations and proposed changes that materially impact the applicati...
Shadow Pricing Guidelines
PublicationsThe Shadow Pricing Guidelines outline the principles and timeframes for commencing shadow pricing and reporting requirements during the shadow pricing period in the development and implementation of new or changed activity based funding classification systems, to provid...
Assessment of Adjustments to the National Pricing Model Policy
PublicationsThe Assessment of Adjustments to the National Pricing Model Policy outlines the considerations underpinning the Independent Health and Aged Care Pricing Authority’s (IHACPA) assessment of proposed adjustments to the national pricing model to address legitimate and unavo...
National Pricing Model Stability Policy
PublicationsThe National Pricing Model Stability Policy describes the principles and processes the Independent Health and Aged Care Pricing Authority is guided by in its analysis and consideration of year-on-year stability of price weights, adjustments and national effici...
General List of In-Scope Public Hospital Services Eligibility Policy
PublicationsEach year, the Independent Health and Aged Care Pricing Authority (IHACPA) publishes the General List of In-Scope Public Hospital Services as part of the national efficient price determination. The general list defines the public hospital services eligible for Commonwea...