
Pricing Framework for Australian Residential Aged Care Services 2024–25 Communication Toolkit
ToolsThis Communication Toolkit has been developed for aged care providers and stakeholders by the Independent Health and Aged Care Pricing Authority (IHACPA).

General Use Items Bundling Tool
ToolsThe General Use Items (GUI) Bundling Tool enables users to enter historical Prostheses List billing-code utilisation data and apply the GUI bundles defined in IHACPA’s Supplementary advice on Bundling Arrangements for General Use Items on the Prostheses List – April 20...

Refundable accommodation deposit (RAD) indexation calculator
ToolsYou can use this calculator to work out the indexed RAD amount for your current approval year.To index a RAD amount for the current approval year, enter the:RAD approval dateThis is the date of the approval letter. If we approved your RAD with conditions, use the date o...