IHPA Work Program 2017–18 public consultation paper
ConsultationsThe Independent Hospital Pricing Authority invited all interested parties to provide comment on the Work Program 2017–18 public consultation paper.
Consultation paper on the Pricing Framework for Australian Public Hospital Services 2017–18
ConsultationsThe Pricing Framework for Australian Public Hospital Services is updated annually and outlines the principles, scope and methodology adopted by Independent Hospital Pricing Authority (IHPA) to determine the National Efficient Price (NEP) and the National Effic...
IHPA Work Program 2016–17 public consultation paper
ConsultationsThe Independent Hospital Pricing Authority invited all interested parties to provide comment on the Work Program 2016–17 public consultation paper.
Emergency Care Costing Study - project management survey
ConsultationsThe Emergency Care Costing Study - project management survey is specifically aimed at the Emergency Care Advisory Working Group (ECAWG).
Development of Version 4.0 of the Australian Hospital Patient Costing Standards - Consultation Paper
ConsultationsThe Independent Hospital Pricing Authority (IHPA) has released a consultation paper on the Development of the Australian Hospital Patient Costing Standards (AHPCS) Version 4.0 for public comment.
Discussion paper on the emergency care costing study (part of the Emergency care costing and classification development project)
ConsultationsThe Independent Hospital Pricing Authority (IHPA) is developing a new national classification system for emergency care departments and services. The classification will be underpinned by a targeted costing study that will investigate the impact of cost variation bet...
Consultation paper on the Emergency Department Principal Diagnosis Short List
ConsultationsThe Independent Hospital Pricing Authority (IHPA) is currently developing an emergency department (ED) ICD‑10‑AM principal diagnosis short list for implementation in the Non Admitted Patient Emergency Department Care National Minimum Data Set (NAPEDC NMDS) for 2016-17....
Consultation paper on the Pricing Framework for Australian Public Hospital Services 2016–17
ConsultationsThe Pricing Framework for Australian Public Hospital Services is updated annually and outlines the principles, scope and methodology adopted by the Independent Hospital Pricing Authority (IHPA) to determine the National Efficient Price (NEP) and the National E...
Australian Mental Health Care Classification - Public Consultation No. 2
ConsultationsThis is the second public consultation paper to inform the development of the Australian Mental Health Care Classification (AMHCC). The first public consultation was undertaken in early 2015.
Development of a Table of Standard Costs for Conducting Clinical Trials in Australia - consultation paper
ConsultationsThe Independent Hospital Pricing Authority invited all interested parties to provide comment on the Development of a Table of Standard Costs for Conducting Clinical Trials in Australia public consultation paper until 5.00pm Tuesday, 28 April 2015.
IHPA Work Program 2015–16 public consultation paper
ConsultationsThe Independent Hospital Pricing Authority invited all interested parties to provide comment on the Work Program 2015–16 public consultation paper.
Teaching, Training and Research (TTR) Costing Study Public—Consultation Paper
ConsultationsThe Independent Hospital Pricing Authority (IHPA) conducted a Teaching, Training and Research (TTR) costing study to inform the development of a TTR classification. The project involved a cost and activity data collection across a representative sample of Australian hos...